Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13 that seeks nations to take urgent actions to combat Climate Change and its impacts. Our mission is also in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement in which Countries agreed to work to limit global temperatures rise to 2 degrees.
 Our Mission is to mitigate Climate Change through pragmatic tree planting campaigns in the schools of Uganda while empowering children and youths become environmental stewards in their communities and schools.
                              Project Objectives:
-   To plant 3,000,000 trees including fruit trees  in  Ugandan Schools and Communities.
2    -   To combat the effects of Climate Change in the Country.
3    -  To restore the depleted natural ecosystem that has been lost through the clearing of forests.
      -  To improve the nutritional  value of children by growing fruit trees within  school compounds and Communities.
5    - To empower children become environmental stewards within their communities by creating awareness about  Climate Change and the importance of trees planting.
6    -    Restore the almost extinct tree species like the Fig Tree( Mutuba), Mvule and Candlenut Trees which have numerous benefits to local cultural values and traditions.

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Our Programs are all focused  on empowering Children become Environmental Stewards in their communities as a way of fighting Climate Change...